Parr Audio

Our impressive equipment list seamlessly integrates the old-school sounds of vintage outboard and analog tape with the flexibility and convenience of the digital realm. We offer 2 inch analog (Studer A827), or high resolution digital recording in several different platforms.

We offer field recording and remote concert recording services as well with our fully-loaded tricked-out 1971 Airstream. 

Available Session Musicians are of the highest caliber of musicianship and professionalism. Contracting and rehearsal services are an option.

PACKAGE DEALS  Package deals are available that can include lodging, food, and health services such as massage, yoga, pilates etc.

Depending on your budget, there is a package to suit most every pocketbook. From the most efficient to the elaborate, we can work with you to make your experience the finest possible.

Additionally, Martha's Vineyard is one of the most sought after destinations, and is appealing year-round. There are dozens of B&Bs and accommodations in each of the 6 towns that comprise Marthas Vineyard.